The Nationalistic Feeling
The spirirt of patriotism
Picture credit: Nafisa Zaki
Thirty eight years ago, a man with an amazing foresight, united seven emirates into one big nation called the United Arab Emirates. Though it looked like the only opportunity to curb the misuse of itself by the other world nations, no one could have imagined what this unification actually meant.
It just took 3 decades for this nation to become one of the most desirable places to live in and for tourists to explore. The typical Bedouin life of the citizens of the desert has now completely changed to the high standard of living and enjoying the luxuries of modern world.
Though climatically, UAE is not very fertile as the desert sand, the hot weather, the uncertain storms are not very suitable for the vegetation. But still today, there is not a corner which is not green. Not having any natural resource big enough to attract the tourist nor having a very flattering climatic condition. UAE itself made a charm of its own which is capable of attracting tourist from all over.
Three decades is not a very long time to change the entire way of living of the people, of changing the city, or having plantations in deserts. But the trust of Sheikh Zayed on his country and its citizens both locals and the expats has now bloomed to become a beautiful nation in the desert.
“It has been more than 20 yrs since I am living in Dubai. In the course of which though I felt like an outsider at instances. But still the conditions have never been so bad that I leave UAE. I feel safest here and this is my country. The National Day every year reminds me of the state of this nation when I first came here and how quickly it has developed now when I see it. I mark all the milestones of UAE that happens every year. The same way we would count for our baby.” says Mr. Mansoor, A business man.

Mr Marvin celebrating National day.
Photoi credit: Nafisa Zaki
“I can’t believe it’s been 38 yrs and we already have the largest fountain, the largest book store, the biggest metro station, the longest tower, the enormous man made islands, the big candy shop etc. we have everything I would not have imagined being here when I first came in. the National Day always brings in a feeling of pride in me, I always decorate my home before the onset of 2nd December” says Mr. Marvin, a waiter.
This year the National Day had brought in sad news of the big recession that hit Dubai which gives out the message that development at a very fast rate is not good, there needs to be a time where we need to wait and think. It’s expected that a lot of people might want to go away in search for greener pastures in different countries.
“The news has brought in a very sad feeling amongst many but the idea of leaving and going is still not very bright for me. We came to UAE when we were in need. It became our home and fulfilled dreams that we were scared to see. The National day brings out a feeling of patriotism in me making me show my gratitude towards it.” says Rajat Sharma, an accountant.
“I always miss my own country, I miss my family and relatives there, my childhood palces but still if I go back from here I will miss UAE much more, I have made new friends in here, we have stayed so united with each other that we all have become much more than family. I feel very happy as people have only one country to call it theirs but I have two countries which are my own and two days to celebrate their development.” says Ms. Fatima Husain, an Indian Student.
The decoration for national day at the Abra
Photo credit: Nafisa Zaki
After my quest for finding out the expatriates feeling for the National day, what I myself found out that even though this is the most selfish generation ever, but humanity can never cease and so everybody has a connection towards what they benefit from and realize the importance of things in their lives. Though people don’t show it often but they do care.